Monday, October 21, 2013


I've become so terribly bad at keeping up with this blog!  I like to blame it on chemo brain(return back to this blog for a future post on what chemo brain is), but I'm actually just too lazy and forgetful.

Now I'm in my junior year of college and just celebrated my two years in remission on Oct. 17th!! Now I'm up and at 'em with more thirst for life and new experiences than ever.

I'm currently taking an agriculture communications class(basically the main reason for updating my blog today) which is an excellent opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and learn new things I normally wouldn't step foot near.  Who knew agriculture is actually a pretty big part of our lives?  Because I sure didn't!

We shall see what this class' future has in hold for me when it comes to more lectures, tests and projects, but I will try my best to keep up with it all on here since it will be just oh so exciting!  In the mean time, I'll also try my best to update with post-cancer related posts!!